How to prepare for your procedure.
Care After Surgery
Dr. Robb will provide you and your caretaker with comprehensive and detailed instructions for after your procedure. Below is a sampling of what those instructions will contain:
- Eat simple, bland foods low in sodium to prevent nausea
- Keep your head elevated. Sleep in a recliner or use 3-4 pillows to help prevent swelling
- No heavy lifting (>10lbs) or bending over for 2 weeks to prevent bleeding or fluid collection
- **If you have high blood pressure, please take all your medication as prescribed and take your blood pressure several times in the week leading up to your pre-operative appointment. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can increase hematoma rates.
- **If antiviral medication was prescribed, please start taking it 24 hours before the day of your procedure and continue taking it until the bottle is finished to prevent outbreaks.